Thursday, December 3, 2015


The reading I liked best was the TWENTY-TWO GOBLINS because it has many dependent stories about different cultures in India. It is also long enough for the rest of reading assignment after Ramayana and Mahabharata end. Some stories in 22 goblins are very long, so I can read two or three stories on each reading day. The variety of stories also provide good ideas of storytelling.

The reading - writing - commenting in the class assignments is balanced for normal students. And for students who do not enjoy commenting like me, extra credit assignments can always be very good substitutes.

Tech Tip: Cheezburger

This cat is call GuaPi. It is really cute, so I used one of Guapi's picture to make this LOLCat.


Overall I have to say this online course is the best one I have ever taken. I took some online courses before and only this one is well organized in informative. Currently some online courses are like regular classes without classroom experience; this is bad because students who choose online courses are looking for a different experience, not avoiding class experience.

I am most proud of my project and I did learn more than writing skills and India Epic knowledge. The most valuable experience I learnt was making a blog, making a website, and persistence.

I will continue making post in a new blog to write down my progress of programming study. I would a valuable experience.

Tech Tip: Theme

Since my storybook is about soul, I want to find some soul-like themes. However, I did not find one I liked by search the keyword soul. I tried to search dark and shadow, then I found a nice one and applied it to my website.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Reading Diary B: TWENTY-TWO GOBLINS 19th&20th

The first story I read today is The Man, his Wife, and her Lover, who all died for Love. This is a story about betrayal. A husband's wife falls in love with another man in secret. When her husband goes to work, she meets the man. One day the man accidently falls down and dies. The wife is very sad, so she also jumps down and dies. As her husband comes back and sees them, he is so heart-broken that he also kills himself.

The other story is The Four Brothers who brought a Dead Lion to Life. Four men want to do something amazing to please their king, so they go into an ancient place. When they find a skeleton, they decide to bring it back to life. After many efforts, they finally make it back to flesh. It is a lion. Then the lion kill all four and eat them up.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Reading Diary A: TWENTY-TWO GOBLINS 17th&18th

The 17th goblin's story happened in a city named Ujjain. There was a race of magic spell. One side had very strong power and skill, and the other side was a little weak but the boy had a pure heart. Finally the boy with pure heart won even though he made a small mistake on spelling. The King was also impressed by the boy, so he answered the goblin's question without hesitation.

Then the 18th goblin told a story of murdering. A boy was conducting a murder with his parents. However, they were caught by guards. Before his execution, the boy laughed for his final liberation of bounding within his body. The King also answered the exact answer; he said the boy finally realized that being killed by his king was actually his salvation.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Tech Tip: Poster-Maker

I made a poster by using Automotivator. The wake up means more than wake up your body; it means your spirit must be also woken up!