Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Hello All,

My name is Youhao Wang; call me Youhao is fine. It reads exactly the same as U-haul, the moving and storage provider. I am currently majoring in finance, and I am a senior.

I am from Kaifeng, Henan, China, which was the capital city of China in Song Dynasty. The location is shown below. 

Self-made photo by Google Earth
I traveled back to China in this summer. The city had changed a lot in the past two years. I could see new buildings, new transportation, and new smiling faces almost anywhere.

I am supposed to graduate in the next summer, but I am planning to add the second major. I want to study the management information system since it is very interesting and it is very easy to find a job. The modern business world is becoming more and more relying on powering tools. I think paper works will be ending soon and documents will all become digital. However, MIS is also a very difficult major. I will accept the challenge confidently because I believe I can do it.

I love cooking Chinese food. Generally I cook for myself on weekends. My favorite spice is chili; I use chili to cook Szechwan cuisine. Moreover, I am learning how to cook Cantonese cuisines. Cantonese cuisines are not as hot as Szechwan cuisine; the food focuses on flavors. There are hundreds of Cantonese cuisines I can learn to cook. When I am lazy or busy, I will go to the Fang’s Kitchen located in OKC on weekends; they really make delicious dim-sum.Dim-sum picture is shown below. 

I played pool a lot in my childhood. My pool skill really helped me to win a lot of pocket money during my middle school time and high school time, which was an epic experience for me. Another hobby is video games; I did not play video games now because they are too time-consuming. I had played the World of Warcraft for over 8 years. Now I am a casual player who may log into the game once a week to see how this game changed. I play Hearthstone couple times a week; I think it fits my schedule better and it is a game with a lot of fun.

Anyway, this is me. I hope everyone can have a wonderful semester and enjoy your life!


  1. It is very exciting to have someone from China in the class, Youhao! Some other students have mentioned that China is one of their favorite places because they had the good fortune to get to go to China for their studies. I have never been to China... but what a great adventure that would be! Luckily, I do not have to go all the way to China to get good Dim Sum and I love Dim Sum! My favorite is turnip cake, I think it is called something like lo bak gou? Anyway, here it is: it is my absolute favorite! Here is a picture I found online:
    Turnip Cake. Ohhhh, just typing that made me hungry...!

    And I am guessing all your World of Warcraft experience will be really valuable: video games are one of the most powerful forms of storytelling in the world today.

    I hope you will enjoy the class! :-)

  2. Youhao, your food picture makes me hungry. Do you have any Chinese recipes that you can recommend? I really like to cook, and I'm always trying to expand my ability and recipe knowledge. I've always wanted to go to Asia, but I had not travelled outside North America until last semester. I'll definitely have to add your favorite place, Xi'an, to my list of places to go.

  3. Hi YouHao! That is really brave how you made such a big move from China to the United States. Do you like it here in the States? I also enjoy cooking. I usually cook different types of chicken because it is healthy and filling. I used to play Pokémon and various sports games when I was little too but now that I am in college I am also too busy. Good luck on your second major.

  4. Hey Youhao, I hope you are have a good semester so far. You have certainly traveled a long way to attend OU. Cooking meals is a fun experience. I also go to Fung’s Kitchen in OKC. Their dim sum is good. I never played pool much growing up but I did play many video games. You have been playing WOW for a long time. Would you play world of Warcraft 2 if it came out?

  5. Hello Youhao. I agree with Aakash. Moving to another country to study sounds like a big undertaking. MIS is definitely a great degree to have and would compliment your degree in Finance very well. I know I like Chinese food but I have never had Dim Sum, the food in the picture you have there looks very tasty. I too like to play video games and I know how it feels to not have time to play anymore.

    Good luck with your studies!

  6. Hi Youhao!

    I think it's really cool that you're from China. Do you ever miss it? You never really mentioned if but what made you decide to go to the University of Oklahoma. Do you like OU football?

    You sound like quite the chef. Where did you learn how to cook? Who taught you how to cook? I wish I could cook for myself. I eat out quite a bit. I know that that's not really good for you but with my busy schedule and lack of knowledge about cooking makes eating out a probable solution.

  7. Youuuhaooo aka U-Haul! That tidbit really made me laugh! That's awesome that you are studying abroad in the USA! How do you like it so far? I have always wanted to visit an Asian country. I'm a huge fan of oriental food and that Dim-Sum picture made me drool! I see that you are a World of Warcraft fan! That's dedication you have for playing it for eight years. I never heard of someone playing it for so long before. I hope you're liking OU! Congrats on being a senior, and I wish you the best of luck!

  8. Awesome name! I might have to extend an offer to you that I will buy the cooking ingredients if you cook. I love trying new food! That's awesome that you want to go into MIS major. I am currently a computer science major so if you go through with it let me know if you need any help. What else do you play besides WOW or did you play? I love playing video games too.

  9. Hi Youhao! I hope you're enjoying the class so far. What made you decide to come study at OU? It's really cool that you've had the chance to study here outside of your home country. I play a lot of videogames too; I used to play WoW for a little while, but like you said, it's hard to find time to play with class and work taking up so much of my time. I do play hearthstone sometimes; it's really great for playing between friends!

  10. Hello Youhao!
    Since you are a Finance major, that would mean that you are in Price the college of business. If so, I was wondering if you knew my good friend Colby Brown. He is really known around Price! Good luck with adding a MIS major. I was in Price for a semester because of one of the classes that I needed for my major and was overly intimidated. However, I know you will rock that MIS major with no worries.

  11. That's so cool that you are going to take on another major after completing one already. I can definitely see how one could choose that because there are so many interesting and useful majors available, that it was hard for me to pick just one. I've actually been three different majors over my college career so far!

    I love cooking, too! I've never had Dim Sum before, but that picture looks delicious! I'll definitely have to go try it at that restaurant sometime. Good luck with your studies and your additional major!

  12. Hi YouHao, my previous roommate and my close friend was from China. She finished her senior year and is here for one more semester. When we used to room together, she used to cook me Chinese food and it was delicious. Sometimes she used to add Chinese spices in to spaghetti or fried chicken and it made the food taste from ordinary to amazing. Best wishes for all your future plans and I bet you will do great.

  13. Hi YouHao it is nice to meet you! One of my closest friends is a foreign exchange student from China, I love hearing her different stories from her time there. I also love to cook myself but I have never experimented with cooking Chinese food, is it difficult? I should probably give it a try I know I love eating Chinese food! Anyway it is nice to meet you!

  14. YouHao, it is so cool that you have chosen to be a foreign exchange student here. It must have been such a great experience! I would love to visit China someday, everyone I know that has been has absolutely loved it. I have never been out of the country, so I am hoping to get to travel in the next couple of years!

  15. Hey Youhao! Congrats on making it to your senior year! I feel the same way about picking up more classes in technology to make myself more marketable too. Cooking and baking has been a way for me to process stress and anxiety. I love to come home after classes on Monday and make a nice meal, then enjoy it. It helps to end the long day.

  16. That is awesome that you came to study here at the University of Oklahoma. I have always wondered how recruitment goes in foreign nations. I hope that you succeed in your quest for a degree and if you decide to pursue a second degree goodluck! I can understand video games taking up a bunch of time, especially wow, video games are fun but in moderation.

  17. Hey Youhao! That's awesome that you came here for your college learning experience. I have never been, but I can imagine that life in China must be incredibly different as compared to life here in America. I am a huge fan of Chinese food so I will definitely have to try Fang's kitchen some time, it sounds delicious! Spicy food is my favorite so I really love Szechwan food as well. Good luck with the rest of your semester and enjoy your time here!

  18. Hi Youhao! That is awesome that you have come so far to get your education. I can't imagine what it would be like to travel to a country across the world to go to school. AND you are going to get two majors, wow. I was a business major by first two years, but I switched. I think MIS was the hardest class I took in the beginning of the business courses. I am not good on computers, so it was difficult for me. I also had a friend who played world of warcraft. He would play all day and all night, it was crazy. I hope you are enjoying your time in Oklahoma! Goodluck with your second major!

  19. Two majors? I can barely handle the one that I am finishing up this December. I can't imagine adding another one. I also play pool a lot. My parents got our first pool table when I was in middle school so I spent most of my evening playing and I actually got pretty good. Well, good luck with your two majors!

  20. Hi Youhao!
    Sometimes my name can be hard for some to pronounce, but I like that you've found an easy reference to use in terms of the pronunciation (U-Haul :) )
    I am a major foodie so I love trying all sorts of food! I almost never have time to enjoy a home cooked meal so when I get to eat my mom's cooking I savor it. I will have to try out that restaurant here in OKC! I live in Southside OKC so it might not be too far away. I wish you much luck with the rest of your academic endeavors!

  21. Hi Youhao!
    Sometimes my name can be hard for some to pronounce, but I like that you've found an easy reference to use in terms of the pronunciation (U-Haul :) )
    I am a major foodie so I love trying all sorts of food! I almost never have time to enjoy a home cooked meal so when I get to eat my mom's cooking I savor it. I will have to try out that restaurant here in OKC! I live in Southside OKC so it might not be too far away. I wish you much luck with the rest of your academic endeavors!

  22. Hi Youhao!
    Sometimes my name can be hard for some to pronounce, but I like that you've found an easy reference to use in terms of the pronunciation (U-Haul :) )
    I am a major foodie so I love trying all sorts of food! I almost never have time to enjoy a home cooked meal so when I get to eat my mom's cooking I savor it. I will have to try out that restaurant here in OKC! I live in Southside OKC so it might not be too far away. I wish you much luck with the rest of your academic endeavors!
