Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Reading Diary B: Peter Brook's Mahabharata

I watched the rest part of the movie and I was impressed by the epic again. Though Amba has little scene in the last part, I will write Amba’s story of vengeance from Amba’s view.

My story will start from the fight between Parashurama and Bhishma. They could not defeat each other so they stopping fighting. Parashurama told Amba he could not help her to convince Bhishma. Amba was very frustrated so she decided to do ascetic practices. Finally Shiva was moved by her merit and Shiva promised her an opportunity to defeat Bhishma in the future.

The rest of my storytelling will be the fight in the war. I will use a lot of direct dialogues between Bhishma and Shikhandi, who was previously Amba. The whole story will be based on Amba's view.

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