Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reflections: Looking Forward

Before Week 8 begins, I have 216 points on my grade book, which is higher than an A. I think I am on the right track of an A grade.

For the second half of the semester, I would avoid anything requires me to write comments over 100 words, which is the Project Feedback. I will do extra credit instead. Tech Tip, Growth Mindset, and Curate and Share would be good substitutes for the project feedback assignments. If a feedback does not require me to read and comment on others’ blogs or project sites, I would definitely do it.

Tech Tip would be the easiest one. I will probably do all the Tech Tip in one day since repeating work is much easier to do. As a result, I will lose 4 points each week if I only do the Tech Tip. The expected points I can get would be 216+26+7*26=424>410. I have 14 points for emergency. I think it would be good enough.

Instead of doing it on Sunday, I will try to finish up on Friday night.


  1. It looks like you have worked hard this semester and worked ahead, allowing you to slack a little bit in the second half of the semester. Lucky you! Unfortunately for me I have been crazy busy working full time and traveling for work. I am trying to play catch up now, but wish I would have worked ahead earlier in the semester. I am very thankful for extra credit, because it will allow me to still get an A in the course!

  2. Hi Youhao,
    Same here, I missed a lot of work, however I still had above 218 points by the beginning of the week 8, Thank god for the extra credit because I missed a lot of assignments. However, I am still planning on doing as much as work I can do in this class, because I really want to finish this class early.
