Thursday, October 15, 2015

Reading Plan

I will choose from the online reading options as they are easy to access. After I explored all options, I think I will read the Twenty-Two Goblins in the following three weeks. Maybe I need to find one more reading after that; and I could just write a summary or an expansion of the story.

I choose a goblin story because I really knew little about this creature. In the video game World of Warcraft, goblin is an available race for players to choose. And I know goblins love precious and they will collect precious as many as they can.

I believe I can learn more about goblins in the reading. I might read it one more time in the last two weeks if I could not find another good reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hi youhao,
    I feel like you are a lord of the rings fan! I have watched those movies and really enjoyed it. Especially “ my precious” part! Haha. I really hope you will enjoy these readings. I thought about doing the free online readings in the beginning too, however, I found amar chitra Kadha more interesting and fun to read.
