Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Reading Diary B: Week 3

In today’ reading, Rama and his followers overcome a lot of difficulties to reach the Lanka City. They will take siege to the Lanka City and save Sita. The Monkey King Hanuman did have a lot much scenes. However, another animal god that I want to write in my project comes out. The mighty Garuda!

The siege is very tragic, countless monkey soldiers died during the day. The war looks good for Rama until night comes,  Indrajit, a Naga race guy, uses his ability to sneak attack Rama and Lakshmana. The condition of the war become worse and worse; Rama and his brother cannot see Indrajit because of Indrajit’s in visible ability. When they are going to lose hope, the Garuda comes and brings healing to Rama’s army. With the aid of the Garuda, the monkey army continues the siege to the Lanka City.

In my storytelling, I would change the setting. Rama will go to the Garuda and ask for help. Garuda says he will stealth beside the battle field because he want to assassinate Indrajit. Indrajit is a Naga race, which is Garuda’s enemy and food resource. Garuda will unleash a power wave of light right after Indrajit uses his invisible ability. The light will heal the monkey army and hurt enemies. Moreover, the light will make Indrajit visible to Rama and Lakshmana, so they could use their archery skill to hurt Indrajit. Finally, the Garuda will eat Indrajit as whole as his meal.

(by Nanda Lal Bose, from Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists, 1914)

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