Sunday, September 6, 2015

Week 2 Review

I still upload the backup file to my Dropbox.

I decide not to do the extra credit for the Famous Last Words because I do not think 2 points is worthy to spend 300 words on it. And I think I will not do it in the future if the bonus points do not change. The rest of the assignments are all finished, but the Declaration for the reading feedback extra credit is troubled. I think it will be solved very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Youhao, don't forget the part of the Review assignment that is reviewing the announcements! It looks like you missed that part here:
    PART THREE: REVIEW. Starting on August 24, there are daily announcements for class, including weekends, at the class blog: Daily Announcements. You probably don't get a chance to read the announcements every day, though, so for this assignment I'd like you to take a look at the past week's announcements to see what you missed and also to see if there is anything fun/interesting in there that grabs your attention. You can use this link — current announcements — to see the most recent announcements displayed on one big page. So, read through the current announcements and find one item you want to include in your Review blog post.
