Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Storytelling of Week5: Bhima Fighted Demon

Bhima and his relatives escaped from the burning palace to a dangerous jungle. When they stepped in to the jungle, a man-eating demon sensed them and decided to eat them all. The demon traced their footprints and finally caught them at a night.

“So long have I waited! I almost forgot the taste of human flesh. You all will be my dinner today!”, the demon said.

“Brothers and sisters, protect you from sneak attacks. I can deal with it alone!”

Bhima has very skillful fight strategies and he has an amazing agility that allows him to dodge almost every strike from the demon. Moreover, Bhima can use his rapid fist to pierce the demon’s hard skin. However Bhima is not toughness in fight; if he is hit heavily, he probably dies for that.

In the other side, the demon has a very strong body, so every strike is deadly. Demon’s body is armored very well. The armor is almost unbeatable, but it does not cover every corner of the demon body; there are still some places are not protected. The demon nevertheless knows any fighting skills; incredible strength and toughness are demon’s weapons.

Demon laughed, “How dare you show your face here, weak human? Look at your flesh. I can barely kill you with one finger!”

“Then try it! I will let you bleed to death!” Bhima yelled confidently.

So the battle began. The demon became very wild in the fight; trees and stones were flying to everywhere. Bhima did not try to fight the demon with frontal assaults; instead, Bhima seized the gaps between the demon’s attacks, and he used his fist to hurt the demon’s unarmored skin. This made the demon to bleed all the time.

The demon suddenly realized Bhima’s plan, so it decided to roll the dice to twist the bad situation.

“You are a formidable, so you are very lucky to see my true power!” the demon yelled.

Then the demon stopped attacking and grew much larger. The armor was gone because the demon was now nearly invincible. Bhima tried few times and he found he could not hurt the demon any more. To protect his relatives, Bhima pretend to be in retreat and he ran into the jungle. The demon was very angry, so it ignored Bhima’s relatives and chased Bhima into the jungle.

Bhima thought that the demon’s transformation cannot last very long and it must have some side effects for such great power gained. Thus, Bhima was trying to buy time and wait for the demon’s exhaust.

The demon unexpectedly felt that power were vanishing from it body; that was a signal that the transformation’s side effect was coming. Therefore, the demon stopped attacking and tried to find an escape way. Bhima was waiting for that moment, so he grasped the valuable time and gave the demon a fatal wound to end its life.

Author's Note:
The story is expanded from the fight between Bhima and demon. I added a lot of setting and details into the fight scenes.



  1. Youhao!
    I loved your story for the week, and it was completely different than the story that I decided to do, so I really liked that. One thing that I would suggest, is that you add a little bit more detail to the context of your story. If you are more descriptive in your scenes, it allows for the reader to place themselves inside of your story. Other than that, good job!

  2. Hey Youhao!
    I see that you really like battle scenes which is fantastic because I do too! I think battle scenes are what captures a reader's attention. I liked your word choice because it gave a dramatic tone such as "a fatal wound to end its life." You painted a nice picture of the demon's evilness through his dialogue. I have trouble with character dialogue so that's something I'm trying to improve on. This was a cool read!
