Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Reading Diary A: Week 3

I like the reading assignment today because I could read about the very character I want to know about, the Monkey King Hanuman. I am very excited to read the story of Hanuman.

Their first meet is not very easy; Sugriva does not know if they are enemies, so he lets Hanuman to change into a human form and find out Rama’s purpose. Rama tells the disguised Hanuman their purpose. Hanuman passed some trials to gain more abilities, so he could assist Rama to find his wife. When Hanuman tries to find Sita, he however does not find her, so he thought Sita must have been killed or eaten. Hanuman eventually found Sita and he cannot wait to save her, therefore Hanuman went into the city and killing enemies. Nevertheless, Hanuman was captured by a Brahma scroll and his tail was burnt as punishment.

In my storytelling, I think I will make their first meet from a fight because of misunderstanding. Sugriva thought Rama and Lakshmana were enemies. Then they would yell to each other to know that they are actually not hostile. I will not change the trails part because the original story is good; I may change the ability Hanuman gains during the trials, such as stealth. In the following story, I will not let Hanuman become that impulsive. I will make him like a skillful spy who sneaked into the city, assassinated enemies, and rescued Sita successfully.

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